The importance of light in the delivery room

The importance of light in the delivery room: About midwives’ experience and use of light during births
Meet the expert, anthropologist and PhD student Stine Louring Nielsen

Live sessions was on mar 29th, 2021.

The importance of light in the delivery room: About midwives’ experience and use of light during births

Meet the expert, anthropologist and PhD student Stine Louring Nielsen

In recent years, modern lighting technology has found its way into Danish maternity wards. Where before it was only possible to turn the light on, off and dim, it is now possible to adjust it in a multitude of colours to support circadian rhythms and phases of birth.

But how do midwives actually experience and use the light during births in practice?

This webinar presents results from a four-month field study conducted at Rigshospitalet’s maternity ward. Overall, the study points to how midwives practice light as a tool to support atmospheres and bodily presences during childbirth.

Scientific reference: 


This webinar is kindly sponsored by:

  • Vulva Enterprise
  • Fjordblink: Welcoming Water

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