Training staff to be confident with upright breech births

Re-introduction of Breech birth in Denmark? Breech has in several delivery units in Denmark had a revival with the new concept of Upright Breech birth.
Webinar with obstetrician Kamilla Gerhard Nielsen

Live sessions was on mar 31st, 2021.

Training staff to be confident with upright breech births

Webinar with obstetrician Kamilla Gerhard Nielsen

Re-introduction of Breech birth in Denmark?
Breech has in several delivery units in Denmark had a revival with the new concept of Upright Breech birth.
The Term Breech Study from 2000 showed us that breech birth is potentially hazardous in untrained hands.

This lack of training and lack of confidence shows in Danish cesarean section rate for breech, which is close to 90%.
Following thorough training, midwives and doctors at Aabenraa hospital are now completely confident about breech birth. It affects the womens choice and significantly more now choose vaginal breech birth.

A summary of the upright breech concept and a way of implementation will be presented at this webinar.


This webinar is kindly sponsored by:

  • Vulva Enterprise
  • Wavecare
  • Inspiration Healthcare
  • Chromaviso
  • Scandidact

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