Psychological trauma

Psychological importance and impact of staff behaviour How can birth professionals help to improve and strengthen the mother-child relation and minimize psychological trauma in birth? Which psychological mechanisms are at play in staff and in the birthing women?...


Sustainable birth environments For 2 years, midwives in Viborg has worked to create sustainable, homely, and calming birth environments. In their presentation, they invite us on a virtual tour of the ward and present their work. The Live webinar was on Jan 11, 2021...

Sensory birth rooms

Sensory birth rooms – from idea to reality How midwives experience working in sensory birth rooms and how it affects their work environment – both physically and mentally. Presentation with photos from sensory birth rooms at Slagelse Hospital in Denmark....

Obstetric interventions

Obstetric interventions – Do sensory rooms affect the birth? Experiences and research from Hillerød Hospital in Denmark. Speakers: Doctor Tine Wrønding and Midwife Gitte Ulriksen. Live session was on Feb 25th, 2021. Watch the Danish webinar recording Obstetric...