Intact cord

GynZone Live proudly presents: Elisabeth Sæther, Midwife MSc
Intact-cord stabilisation of the newborn. Evidence and implementation

Intact-cord stabilisation of the newborn. Evidence and implementation

Meet Midwife MSc Elisabeth Sæther

“WHO and several professional organisations advise against umbilical cord clamping earlier than one minute after birth, regardless of gestational age and delivery route. Nevertheless, many infants still have their cords clamped early, mainly because they need to be moved for necessary ventilation support or resuscitation.

Recent research suggests that these interventions would have a greater effect if initiated prior to cord clamping. This webinar will focus on the evidence behind intact-cord stabilisation, and how this knowledge may be used to alter practice. The quality improvement- and patient safety-project Optimal Start is an example, amongst others, where systematic improvement measures are used to reach specified improvement targets. Implications for practice (feasibility, safety, and acceptability) will be discussed, as well as implications for future birth environment design”

Her PhD investigates “Lifestyle advice and pelvic floor muscle training for women with pelvic organ prolapse


This webinar is kindly sponsored by:

  • Vulva Enterprise
  • Wavecare
  • Inspiration Healthcare
  • Chromaviso

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