Hanna Ulfsdottir

Hanna Ulfsdottir GynZone Live proudly presents: Hanna Ulfsdottir, Midwife PhD Women’s experiences of water birth compared with conventional uncomplicated births. Webinar with Hanna Ulfsdottir Watch this webinar recording Meet our GynZone Live Expert: Hanna Ulfsdottir,...

Anne Mette Tonning

Anne Mette Tonning GynZone Live proudly presents: Anne Mette Tonning, midwife Webinar: Experiences with birth of the placenta in water Watch the webinar recording Meet our GynZone Live Expert: Anne Mette Tonning, midwife Webinar topic: Experiences with birth of the...

Amalie Sofie Kolbæk

Amalie Sofie Kolbæk GynZone Live proudly presents: Amalie Sofie Kolbæk, midwife Webinar: The birth pool as a work station and a medical device. Development and clinical use of Fjordblink Birth Pools Watch this webinar recording Meet our GynZone Live Expert: Amalie...

Sara Kindberg

Sara Kindberg GynZone Live proudly presents:Sara Kindberg, Midwife PhD Are you comfortable with your stitches? Screening all mothers after vaginal birth: healing and assessment of primary perineal repair outcomes Watch the webinar recordings Meet our GynZone Live...

Hanna Jangö

Hanna Jangö GynZone Live proudly presents:Hanna Jangö, Consultant Obstetrician Birth after previous OASI Watch the webinar recording Meet our GynZone Live Expert: Hanna Jangö, Consultant Obstetrician, Phd @Herlev University Hospital Hanna Jangö is a Consultant...

Hilary Schlinger

Hilary Schlinger GynZone Live proudly presents: Hilary Schlinger, CNM, CPM (ret), MS, RN, researcher, instructor, and midwifery program director Webinar: Prevention of perineal injury Watch the webinar recording Meet our GynZone Live Expert: Hilary Schlinger CNM, CPM...